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Aerated Static Pile Systems

Got Rot?
Got Rot?

The aerated static pile, or ASP, system is made for larger composting operations when there are a lot of materials that need to be processed and not enough labor to turn the compost piles. Air blows from the pump located at the end of the pile and through the pipes, which have holes facing the inside of the pile to allow air to reach the inside of the pile. A major ingredient of composting is oxygen, which is usually introduced into the pile when it is turned or otherwise aerated. The ASP receives this critical oxygen without heavy machinery or human labor. 

sistema ASP

El sistema de pila estática aireada, o ASP, está hecho para operaciones de compostaje más grandes cuando hay muchos materiales que deben procesarse y no hay suficiente mano de obra para voltear las pilas de compost. El aire sopla desde la bomba ubicada al final de la pila y a través de las tuberías, que tienen orificios que miran hacia el interior de la pila para permitir que el aire llegue al interior de la pila. Un ingrediente principal del compostaje es el oxígeno, que generalmente se introduce en la pila cuando se voltea o se airea. El ASP recibe este oxígeno crítico sin maquinaria pesada ni mano de obra humana.


H? Th?ng ASP

H? th?ng ? hi?u khí, hay ASP, là phuong pháp dành cho nh?ng h? th?ng x? lý ch?t th?i h?u cho l?n nh?m gi?m b?t th?i gian lao d?ng. Không khí du?c bom qua các ?ng nh?a d?c l? b?ng máy th?i khí d? d?m b?o toàn kh?i ? du?c gi? trong môi tru?ng hi?u khí. Oxy là thành ph?n chính cho quá trình ? phân, thu?ng du?c cung c?p trong quá trình tr?n kh?i phân ?. Không khí là y?u t? quan tr?ng cho h? th?ng ? hi?u khí (ASP) khi không s? d?ng máy móc và s?c ngu?i.

Under the piles
Under the piles
Hot ASP Pile in Gilroy
Hot ASP Pile in Gilroy
New material, water, and air
New material, water, and air