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The Santa Clara county UAIZ Parcel Finder
This interactive map has been created by the University of California Cooperative Extension Santa Clara County to support the implementation of the UAIZ.
The purpose of the Parcel Finder is to help anyone with an urban agricultural project find suitable parcels for their project. This interactive map is intended for individual growers, gardeners or farmers but also for organizations that are interested in taking advantage of the UAIZ.
When clicking on parcels, the following information pops up:
- parcel number (APN)
- site addres
- acreage
Parcels in blue = Incorporated San Jose
Parcels in red= Unincorporated Santa Clara
A full screen version of the map is available here.
About the map
Which parcels does the interactive map include?
The parcels included in the map are parcels that may be eligible for the UAIZ program, that is parcels in the incorporated areas of Santa Clara County that have approved the UAIZ Act (so far, only San Jose) and in the unincorporated areas of Santa Clara County that meet the UAIZ eligibility criteria.
A few words of caution
This map is based on parcel information from the Santa Clara County Department of Planning and Development and a private land title company. This parcel information is constantly changing, as parcels are approved for development or change ownership. We can’t guarantee that all the parcels on this map are still vacant, that this map represents ALL of the UAIZ eligible vacant land or that there are no pending applications for development on these parcels. We plan on updating this map twice yearly.
If you find a parcel that suits your project, you will need to contact the Santa Clara County Planning Department to obtain the contact info of the landowner. If there is a vacant lot in your neighborhood that is not on this list, it is possible it is not listed because it does not meet the eligibility criteria, but you can check by contacting the Santa Clara County Planning Department.
Just because a parcel is on this map does not guarantee that it is suitable for all agricultural activities. For example, this map cannot verify whether the property owner already has an alternate use for the land, such as parking or storage, whether the site has water or electrical hookups, or whether the site is flat or sloping. This map is just a starting point. There are many factors that can only be verified by a site visit or by contact with the landowner.