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Links and Publications

Research and Extension Centers 
Hopland Research & Extension Center 
Sierra Foothill Research & Extension Center     

Statewide Special Programs
Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program 
Dedicated to the conservation of California's 10 million acres of oak woodlands.  

Natural Reserve System
Provides university-level teaching, research, and public outreach at 33 protected natural areas throughout California.


UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Project 
Develops and promotes the use of integrated and ecologically sound pest management programs in California 


UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP) 
Conducts and funds research and education programs that integrate three main goals for agriculture in our society: environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity. 


The selected publications below present a variety of perspectives on grazing impacts and management.

Cars, Cows and Checkerspot Butterflies: nitrogen deposition and management of nutrient-poor grasslands for a threatened species, by Stuart B, Weiss. Conservation Biology. 1999, December; 13(6): 1476-86

Cattle Grazing Mediates Climate Change Impacts on Ephemeral Wetlands, by Christopher R. Pyke and Jaymee Marty. Conservation Biology, 2005 October. 19(5):1619-25

Effects of Cattle Grazing on diversity in Ephemeral Wetlands, by Jaymee T. Marty. Conservation Biology 2005 October. 18(5):1626-32

Grazing and Fire Management  for Native Perennial Grass Restoration in California Grasslands, by John W. Menke. Fremonia 1992, 20(2):22-25

Grazing for Change: range and watershed management success stories in California, by Dan Macon. 2002. California Cattlemen's Association, Sacramento, CA.

Grazing Impacts on Annual Forbs and Vegetation Composition of  Mesic Grasslands in California, by Grey F. Hayes and Karen D. Holl. Conservation Biology 2003, December. 17(6):1694-1702

Selected References: Grazing for Biological Conservation, compiled by Sheila Barry.

Factors and Practices that Influence Livestock Distribution, Rangeland Management Series, Pub Number 8217 http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu