Native Grasslands and Habitat
California's grasslands are incredibly diverse and home to many species of birds, mammals, insects, and reptiles. More than 300 varieties of native grasses are found statewide, in environments ranging from wet to dry, coast to mountain, desert to forest. These important plants help prevent erosion, improve soil quality, and serve as fire buffers as well as providing texture and beauty in both wild and cultivated landscapes.
Guide to California Grasslands
This guide, written by members of the California Native Grasslands Association, provides an introduction to publicly-accessible grasslands throughout the state. These short, printable profiles describe:
- how to reach the site
- the best times of the year to visit
- what grasses, other plants, and wildlife to look for while you're there
The guide also includes information on each site's ecology and any management or restoration efforts made.
Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program
With a focus on a variety of regional local and regional land use and management issuers, the goals of the Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program are to:
- Provide the best available science, tools, and techniques to those individuals and groups whose actions impact coastal watersheds, estuaries and near shore waters.
- Increase our understanding of the environmental, social, and economic consequences of human activity within the coastal landscape.
- Increase information exchange and collaboration amongst the many individuals and institutions who affect coastal ecosystems.
Reference materials and articles available on the website address topics such as Habitat Restoration (including prairies and grasslands), controlling invasive species, information on polluted runoff, and balancing human use and needs with Slough habitat preservation goals.