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Kids Composting

The UCCE Composting Education Program provides instructional support to teachers and administrators of Santa Clara County for grades K -12. This includes classroom worm composting demonstrations, presentations on composting and its environmental benefits, and assistance in establishing composting sites. Our goal is to engage with educators of Santa Clara County to help them reduce their schools' contributions to the waste stream. 

Activity types: 

Activity 1: Vermicomposting (composting with worms) - (30-45 minutes) Presentation and hands-on demonstration on vermicomposting, worm and soil biology, benefits of composting. Recommended for younger students, especially K-5.

Activity 2: Compost Basics - (30-60 Mins) Presentation about the benefits of composting, how to compost, environmental impacts, soil biology. Recommended for older students, especially 6-8 and high school.

Activity 3: School Event Request - Request to table at a school event, like an Earth Day celebration, plant sale, or science night. We will be able to answer any questions on vermicomposting and backyard composting and provide resources on composting. 

If you are interested in having a Master Composter assist you or come to your school please sign up here: 

Click to request a Master Composter for your school!

Click to request additional information about starting a compost bin at your school

20220928 marilynn teaching sfc

KC worm anatomy activity photo