Valley Verde
Valley Verde, a nonprofit that helps ethnic communities learn to grow their favorite organic crops, is the first organization to take advantage of the UAIZ in San Jose. Under the lead of Raul Lozano, executive director and the support of the nonprofit organization Sacredheart, who is a strong advocate of the UAIZ, Valley Verde opened a new 11,000 sq ft site in San Jose on 466 West San Carlos Street. The site comprise a greenhouse and several raised beds where vegetable seedlings will be grown for families and workshops will be organized.
It is the land owner who reached out to Valley Verde when he heard they were looking for a site. The property owner, Valley Verde and the City of San Jose worked together to secure a contract, which was approved in the fall of 2016.
The community greenhouse today serves as training venue and demonstration garden.
Further information about this case is available on the website of the City of San Jose, here.