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Composting Education Program

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Welcome to the Composting Education Program. The UCCE CEP is a partnership with the cities and County of Santa Clara that seeks to educate our community about composting. In addition to a Master Composter training course, the UCCE CEP offers free adult community workshops and school presentations throughout the county.  

Through our classes, Master Composters teach residents how to build compost piles and worm bins, then how to apply the resulting material in their landscapes and gardens. They come with knowledge on composting, waste reduction, and gardening.

We are always looking for volunteers to be part of our composting community! You can sign up for a workshop or community composting workday or request a Master Composter for your school or community event through the pages on this site. 

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For more information, contact the ROTLINE 408-918-4640.    

 ~ A project of the Recycling and Waste Reduction Commission of Santa Clara County funded by the Cities and the County of Santa Clara.

How to recycle where you live...

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